is relaunching 1st November 2023 relaunching 1st November 2023 banner with mock up webpage and teaser images

So, who and what is Motorvis?

MotorviZ (with a Z) was founded in 2012 and is relaunching as MotorviS (with an S) on 1st November 2023.

What we do Motorvis is a Global Automotive and Motorsports Visual News and Articles website and app.

Topics include news, articles, events, specs, comment, discussion, competitions, photos and videos regarding cars, bikes, PSVs and Trucks. Basically anything automotive and land based. We don't do trains, boats and planes - well not yet ..

Motorsports section including current, future and historic race events news results etc for all the major motorsports series.

Events section provides a comprehensive calendar with links to Automotive events including shows, exhibitions, trade fairs etc together with Motorsports events, races etc.

People section is an every growing "whos who" of anybody and everybody in the Automotive and Motorsports Industries.

Shop section, selling a range of automotive and motorsports products.

Classifieds section will be added shortly afterwards.

Club followed by an optional Motorvis members only club in 2023

. . . plus many more exciting features coming in 2023 onwards!

© Copyright 2012-2023 Motorvis